Second hand smoke
Who is smoking with you?
When you smoke inside your house or car, everyone around you is exposed to harmful secondhand tobacco smoke, including children, babies, other adults and pets.
Did you know?
- Most secondhand smoke is invisible and odourless, so even if you can’t see or smell any smoke, it’s probably still there
- Cigarette smoke contains over 4000 chemicals and over 50 of these chemicals cause cancer
- People who breathe secondhand smoke are at risk of many of the same diseases as smokers, including cancer and heart disease
- Babies and children exposed to secondhand smoke are more at risk of cot death, asthma, chest and ear infections
- Pregnant women exposed to secondhand smoke can pass on the harmful chemicals to their unborn child
- It’s against the law to smoke in a private vehicle if there’s a young person under 18 present