

Supporting image for Derek

My name is Derek, and at 79 years young, I decided to engage with this service with one goal in mind: to quit smoking. It was a decision I made for both health and financial reasons. I had been a smoker for a long time, and the habit had taken a toll on my well-being and my wallet. Deep down, I knew I needed to make a change, but I was very reluctant to try nicotine patches or any other aids. In the past, I had attempted to quit using only my sheer willpower, but I always found myself going back to smoking.

When I first approached the service, I was skeptical about using nicotine patches. However, my assigned supporter set me a challenge - to try using the products for just one day, with their continued support. I figured I had nothing to lose, so I accepted the challenge.

To my surprise, I started making fantastic progress. I discovered a newfound determination within me - I am a man who refuses to be defeated. The support I received from the service made a significant difference, and I want to express my gratitude to my supporter for pushing me to try 24 hours with the aid of nicotine patches.

That one day turned into a turning point in my life. I am now eight weeks smoke-free, and I can honestly say I will never go back to smoking again. I feel so much better health-wise, and not to mention, my wallet is looking much healthier too! It's amazing how much money I used to spend on cigarettes, and now I can use that money for things that truly matter.

If I could go back in time and tell my younger self anything, it would be to never start smoking in the first place. Quitting was tough, but it's one of the best decisions I've ever made, and I'm grateful for the support that got me through it.

To the service and my supporter, thank you so much for believing in me and helping me complete this challenge. I couldn't have done it without you. Here's to a healthier, smoke-free life!