

Supporting image for June

What was your reason for accessing the stop smoking service?

June was poorly in the hospital and could not breath with COPD.

Did you believe you could achieve quitting smoking?

She knew she had to quit and felt too poorly to smoke

What products did you use to aid you? Dual therapy? And how helpful did you find them?

She used the 24-hour patches and these helped her so much.

As well as medication, did anything else help you to stop smoking and stay smokefree?

She used to stand on the step and pretend to smoke her thumb

Did you use Client Zone or the Yorkshire Smokefree Website?

Not really

Have you noticed any changes in your health since you quit?

She doesn't wake up with headaches anymore

How about any achievements that you couldn't have gained before you stopped smoking?

June and her husband Lee both stopped smoking at the same time. He did this to support her. They are in the process of buying a mobile home with the money they are both saving. They continue to save the money that would have been spent on cigs and are paying it off in lumps. They are getting out and about and getting plenty of clean air.

How did you access the service?
