

National Eye Health Week

Supporting image for National Eye Health Week

Published at 20 September, 2021 08:00.

This week is national eye health week, this years theme is ‘Your Vision Matters’, and encourages people from every walk of life to take better care of their eyes and have regular sight tests. 

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World Lymphoma Awareness Day

Supporting image for World Lymphoma Awareness Day

Published at 15 September, 2021 08:00.

Lymphoma is the fifth most common type of cancer in the UK, it can occur at any age, even in children,. It is nearly always treatable, most people live for many years after being diagnosed with lymphoma. 

World Lymphoma Awareness Day falls on the 15th September, this is an annual campaign to raise awareness and help people recognise the signs and symptoms.

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World Alzheimer's Month 

Supporting image for World Alzheimer's Month 

Published at 06 September, 2021 06:00.

Every September, people come together to raise awareness and to challenge the stigma that persists around dementia. This September marks the 10th year of this global awareness campaign.

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Urology Month

Supporting image for Urology Month

Published at 01 September, 2021 08:00.

September is Urology month, this campaign has been running annually since 2014 with the aim of increasing awareness of urological conditions. Stopping smoking will help reduce the risk of urological conditions.

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Lockdown Lifting

Supporting image for Lockdown Lifting

Published at 16 July, 2021 09:38.

With the covid restrictions coming to an end, you may feel triggered to start smoking again. Contact us today to help you stay quit.

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5 Minute Coffee Break - Where Do I Start?

Supporting image for 5 Minute Coffee Break - Where Do I Start?

Published at 05 July, 2021 08:09.

You may find it is easier to give up giving up smoking, but with our support you can become smokefree. Take 5 minutes and have a coffee break whilst you read our latest installment.

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National Hygiene Week

Supporting image for National Hygiene Week

Published at 05 July, 2021 06:00.

This week is National Hygiene Week, a week created by The Hygiene Bank to provide a platform for raising awareness and creating conversations about the hygiene poverty crisis in the UK.

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Talk to Us - Samaritans Awareness Month

Supporting image for Talk to Us - Samaritans Awareness Month

Published at 01 July, 2021 06:00.

Talk to us is a relatively new campaign initiated by Samaritans, every year in July their branches in the UK and Republic of Ireland hold local events to raise awareness that Samaritans are here to listen to anyone who’s struggling to cope, at any time of the day or night.

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